Monday, March 24, 2014

March 10th & 11th

Dear Annie,

Monday: Last day at the hospital! They told us that they wanted to transfer you up to Primary Children’s Hospital to get more professionals to test you and see what they could do for you. I cried- well I’ve cried a lot these past few days but I had started loving the nurses at Utah Valley but that was selfish of me to do! Because we needed do what was best for you little one. Your poor little mouth drools because of your cute little chin and those darn tubes down your throat. It hard to see what you have to go through Annie. You really are such a fighter. I love just holding your little hands and looking at you. 

I was discharged from the hospital at 7:00p.m. it was so hard for me to leave the hospital knowing that I couldn’t just walk up to your room. But I knew I needed to get fresh air. I hadn’t been outside since Wednesday!

That night, we watched the Bachelor with Taryn and Jeremy Neves and all I could think about was you sweetheart. Your daddy and I came and saw you at around 11:30 pm. You looked so sweet and beautiful. We were able to talk to the president of the NICU for quite a while. He answered so many questions we had and it made me feel more comforted with having you go up to Primary Children's.

Tuesday: Your mommy and daddy slept in until 9:45. Except for me pumping at 5:45 am. You better like my milk Annie because I am producing it like a COW!! Your daddy went to work and mommy did some errands for daddy at the house. Not long though, I HAD to come see you!
When I went to the NICU I was SO happy to see you! My pretty little perfect Annie! Your poor blood pressure though ☹ it’s been going up a lot the past two days. And they had to put a catheter in you because you weren’t emptying your bladder. I hope you’re not in pain sweetheart. I pray for it all the time. You are such a fighter! I don’t think any adult could go through what you’ve been going through these past 4 days sweetie. Keep fighting!

The doctor told me that they could take you up to primary children’s today. They had me sign documents allowing me to let you drive in the ambulance to get up there. Now that’s something you don't get to do everyday! You didn’t something daddy and I haven’t done before! I hoped and prayed the whole time that you would get there safely...

Your daddy and I met you up at Primary Children’s. You honestly looked so comfortable. You are now in an incubator and I’m thinking you’re loving it. It keeps you so warm and your cute little left hand opened up a lot more! It made me so happy! Your poor blood pressure was still high so they’re trying a new medication on you tonight.

When your daddy and I were driving home, we were thinking of how excited we are for the day you’re healthy and ready to come home to us! We are SO excited for that day! But for now, you just keep getting stronger in that incubator and know that mommy and daddy love you so so much!!!

Love, Mommy


  1. im dying. i love her so so so much! keep fighting sweet baby annie!
    -melissa nielsen
