Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Relaxed in Mommy's Arms.

Dear Annie,

Lately I have noticed that you really do know when I am there. I will sometimes come into your room and you will be fussy and through talking, singing, and holding your head and hands, you become more and more relaxed. It makes me so happy to know that you know who I am through my voice and touch! I pray every single day that you will recognize mine and your daddy's voice and touch and you definitely know when we are there:)

One thing I love that you will sometimes do is, you will start to suck on your breathing tube! It is the cutest thing! And the Nurses also say it's a good thing because some babies don't know how to suck and they struggle learning.

Just hangin out:)
 You looked so cute today! We have so many cute bows for you and I always have to have one on your sweet head! When I walked in, you were so relaxed! The Nurse asked me if I wanted to hold you. Like that's a question!! Of course I did! And holy cow Annie.. you were SO relaxed in my arms today! You tilted your cute little face towards my body and were so peaceful. I felt like I could fall asleep. Holding you calms me so much and makes me finally feel okay. I have now held you nine times! :) And everytime I just love it! You also are getting a bit bigger! You now are 5.10 pounds! You are just turning into a little chub ;) Okay... maybe not a chub yet but you definitely are getting bigger! You're dad and I just can't get enough of you! You make us so happy and seeing you everyday is the best part of both of our days! We already have a few nicknames for you! Annie-buds, Sweet-Annie, and Annie-girl. I always talk to you in that little kid voice that all mom's talk to their kids in but I seriously can't help it!

Resting on Mommy:)

You cuddled with me today for a good hour and a half:) I loved it!

As far as an update, you have been having high blood pressure so they have been giving you a few medications to help lower it. They also have been weening you off a few medicines that weren't helping that much. You seemed to have a good day today! Hopefully the days may be able to get better and better for you sweet Annie. I constantly pray that if it be our Heavenly Father's will, that you may be able to, through time, grow out of some of these problems. I know that through Faith, Hope, Charity, and Love all things are possible. I know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for us and even though we may not like certain things that happen to us in our lives, we need to realize that they are blessings. It's exactly what President Uchtdorf taught in his talk this past General Conference. One thing he said that I loved was, "We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain?" Annie, of course I would much rather have you perfectly fine and home. But I know that God knows what he is doing. So I am going to thank him for this challenge. I don't see it as a challenge though. I see it as a blessing, because Annie, you ARE a blessing! The biggest blessing! Yes, there are many times when I break down and cry to your dad but it is because I love you so much. I want you to be okay, I don't want you to be in pain or be uncomfortable. I just want you to be okay and know how much your dad and I love you. Thank you for being the biggest blessing in my life and the greatest example! I love you so much Annie! Sleep well little one.


Sleep well my Annie:)


  1. Omg! I LOVE her little outfits and bows! She is probably the most stylish baby in the nicu!! I love your blog posts girl! Keep them coming! You guys are still in our prayers :)

  2. Jessica and Sam, Scott and I just found your blog. Now that we know what's going on, your little family of 3 are going to be in our prayers and hearts each day. It is evident that you have found the great reservoir of faith that was always within you. Abby commented on how happy you look in the pics and I told her it's because you know who you truly are and why you are here on earth. Happy Mothers Day Jess, welcome to the team!

  3. You are the sweetest mom. I love reading your posts. I can feel your love for your sweet girl just bursting from each post!! You are a great example and help me want to love my babies even better. You are so lucky to have her, but she is also so lucky to have you :) (ps I'm not a total random blog stalker :) the Pugmires were in our ward in WA) Happy Mother's Day!
