Wednesday, June 11, 2014

CPAP Trial

Dear Annie,

Well... This past week has been great! The hard time you had was over the weekend. I was so frustrated because you'd been having such a great week and then the weekend came and you were having episodes that were more severe. They would last for 20 minutes. We then figured out, that there were two medicines you're taking that were being taken together that your body must have not liked. They changed it on Monday and you've been seeming to a lot better!

Yesterday, they started a CPAP trial which means, the ventilator wasn't giving you any breaths and guess what..?! You did amazing! They did two - one hour trials and both times you didn't need any help! It made your dad and I so so happy! You are getting stronger everyday sweet girl! And for that, I am so grateful! Prayers have been answered and you've just gotten so so big! It's amazing what the Lord can do for us when we're faithful and patient. But with that being said, I think you should know something... I'm not always positive! There are probably more times where I am down than I am up! Of course I have faith, but it is so hard for me sometimes when you're doing so well, and then I see you slip back down. There have been countless times when I have felt so discouraged. This is why I am so grateful for a Savior who died for not only our sins, but pains and afflictions. I truly don't know what I would do with out the atonement. Whenever I am down, I know I can turn to the Lord and trust in him with all my heart, might mind, and strength. I think sometimes I forget that I am not alone. Sometimes I think I try to become too independent and forget the Lord is ALWAYS with me as long as I am choosing the right. I don't want you to feel bad. I just want you to know this because there will be times when you are going to be down. But just remember, you're NEVER alone. No matter where you are, you can pray to our Heavenly Father and know he is there with you. He is there to guide you and lead you towards Eternal Life.

I love you so much Annie. You are such a positive and strong baby girl. Thank you for being a fighter and example to me and so many others! Now lets get you off that darn ventilator and bring you home already!!! ;) (Hopefully sooner than later). Keep fighting!! I LOVE YOU!!!



Here are some pictures of you getting your Trach and G-Tube cleaned!:)

Just cute pictures of you sleeping and opening your eyes!


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